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Daneels Media Group

Working for a green future

Offset printing company specializing in ecological printing

Daneels Media Group specialises in the production of high quality, sustainable commercial print products; in particular brochures, catalogues and magazines. Our modern, state-of-the art machine configuration - in prepress, press and after press - makes that we have been synonymous with Europe’s leading print practices for decades already. On top of that, Ecology is high on all agendas. Daneels Media Group is a pioneer in sustainable entrepreneurship and wants to remain so.

CO2 neutral Offset printing

Eco friendly printing

CO2 neutral

The Daneels Media Group prints CO2 neutrally. With some 23,000 m2 of solar panels, we make sure that the ecological footprint of your printing remains as small as possible. Would you like to know how many tonnes of CO2 are saved as a result?

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100% sustainable

The positive environmental impact of CO2 neutral printing is huge. But it does not stop there. DMG also cooperates with Nature Office and Climate Partners to make our production 100% sustainable.

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100% recycled

All environment-related aspects of our production are strictly monitored and all waste materials are fully recycled. The Daneels Graphic Group is consequently ISO 14001-certified.

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Sustainably produced or recycled

Together with our customers, we like to work for a clean future. One of the ways we do this is by printing on sustainably produced paper with FSC® or PEFC certification and on recycled paper. All labelled products are produced according to strict regulations.

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100% organic inks

All our standard inks are based on vegetable oil and are fully biodegradable. The same applies to our water-based dispersion varnishes.

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99% in house

To continue reducing our ecological footprint further, we are constantly investing in processes that enable us to carry out 99% of our production from A to Z under one roof. In this way, we minimize the transport of printed matter between our premises and external finishing companies.

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State of the art offset printing techniques

In addition to printing large runs and volumes, we are also known for our exceptional printing techniques. Today's technology brings us constant innovation on this front.

Our dispersion varnishes used for finishing are water-based and biodegradable. Our printing plant is equipped with all innovative software and technology.

Recto-Verso printing technology: the printing sheet is printed on both sides and finished with dispersion varnish at one go. This reduces the need for cast-in paper and ensures short turnaround times.

Other Customers who chose us

Reduce your CO2 printing footprint
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Smart solutions for a green future.

Why choose the Daneels Media Group

10 reasons why the DMG is the right partner:
  1. Sustainable and ecological entrepreneurship
    The entire production takes place under one roof.
  2. Total solution
    From creation and digital communication to Pre-Press and/or digital print, from offset to Pocket Media to global distribution, everything is possible at the DMG.
  3. Production capacity
    We process everything from small to the largest orders in the shortest possible time.
  4. Material
    DMG purchases FSC® or PEFC certified and recycled paper and cardboard in large volumes, so we can maintain the continuity of the production process in the event of scarcity. Our inks and dispersion lacquers are also sustainable and fully biodegradable.
  1. Family business
    The DMG has been around for 120 years and is still owned by the Daneels family. Every client can capitalize on years of experience and innovation.
  2. Innovation
    We continue to invest in the latest and best-performing production methods. That is why we can also continue to produce ecologically.
  3. Paper
    The paper we use is FSC® or PEFC certified or recycled. Even in a digital world, paper still plays an important role.
  4. Export
    Daneels Media Group has an export share of more than 70 %. We also export in the most sustainable way possible.
  1. Multilingual Publishing
    Multilingual Publishing, as in multilingual printing productions, is also one of the total solutions offered by the Daneels Media Group. We can make Multilingual Publishing available at the right price precisely because we have a helicopter view of the entire process.
    Printing a brochure or catalogue in several languages or language variants is an expertise the Daneels Media Group can bring to the market in a cost-saving and sustainable way.
  2. Centre of expertise
    Quality and expertise in printing make the DMG a total solution. Because our focus is on cooperating with companies that also have their own respective expertise, these clients ultimately become partners. Personal contact and service make the Daneels Media Group an attractive partner for any company.

Offset printing company

The offset print company offers large production capacities with the shortest possible lead time as a result. We can process large print runs and orders within the shortest time. We can also produce ecologically precisely because we invest in the latest and highest-performance production methods.

Besides specializing in leaflets, brochures and catalogues, we also print books, packaging and Pocket Media.

DMG Logistics takes care of worldwide distribution and warehousing. In short, the Daneels Media Group takes care of the entire process, from concept and creation to production and logistics.