Working for a green future

Paper and ink
Sustainably produced or recycled
Together with our customers, we like to work for a clean future. One of the ways we do this is by printing on sustainably produced paper with FSC®-C006748 or PEFC certification and on recycled paper. All labelled products are produced according to strict regulations.
100% organic inks
All our standard inks are based on vegetable oil and are fully biodegradable. The same applies to our water-based dispersion varnishes.

CO2 neutral
The Daneels Media Group prints CO2 neutrally. With some 23,000 m2 of solar panels, we make sure that the ecological footprint of your printing remains as small as possible. Would you like to know how many tonnes of CO2 are saved as a result?

100% sustainable
The positive environmental impact of CO2 neutral printing is huge. But it does not stop there. DMG also cooperates with Nature Office and Climate Partners to make our production 100% sustainable.

Sustainable fleet
DMG is resolutely heading for the most sustainable commercial vehicles. From 2023, we strive for our fleet to be hybrid or 100% electric.
in house
To continue reducing our ecological footprint further, we are constantly investing in processes that enable us to carry out 99% of our production from A to Z under one roof. In this way, we minimize the transport of printed matter between our premises and external finishing companies.
Our main customers are large companies in Germany, France, the Netherlands and the UK. The majority of our production is therefore destined for export. Thanks to our central location and sophisticated logistics system, we can ship the printed products of international customers efficiently all over Europe.
Waste management
100% recycled
All environment-related aspects of our production are strictly monitored and all waste materials are fully recycled. The Daneels Graphic Group is consequently ISO 14001-certified.
Corporate social responsibility
DMG endorses its commitment to corporate social responsibility with its own CSR charter. This charter covers aspects such as business ethics, safety, health, working from home and sustainability.
Smart solutions for a green future.